Quilt for Community aims to multiply the care and comfort of receiving a quilt into financial support for mutual aid organizations that meet the basic needs of historically oppressed and structurally vulnerable communities.

Quilts and other fabric art are available for purchase online and at craft fairs as well as through bi-annual raffle events.  Our products are all hand-made in Maine. 

The price of each item available for sale through Quilt for Community is set as the sum of

1- cost of materials, sales tax or shipping if relevant

2- set donation amount to a specific charitable organization  

Quilt for Community will donate all proceeds as specified for each item, retaining only the cost of materials. This project has charitable goals but is a business and not a non-profit. Records of our donations will be publicly available. 

Quilts have always served as objects of care, support, art and protest - we are proud to be part of this tradition.
